“You can’t comprehend the meaning of soul mate as an adult unless you’ll go back in time and reminisce the joy that you’ve felt when you where still young with your first love, your childhood sweetheart."
“If there is someone in the past that you'll remember for the rest of your life, it would be your childhood sweetheart. The exhilarating sensation when you hold hands, the magical feeling of that first kiss will forever linger in your heart and mind and no matter what have been; you will keep longing for those very special days with smile on your lips.”
"Through the rain and sunshine, hand in hand we have laughed, we have cried. Danced under the moon light, hide and seek at night and through it all, after 20 years you and I sleep on the same bed as we both take care of the fruit of our love that we nurtured way back when we were young."
"Young hearts so pure, chivalry at its best, serving the first girl you’ve ever cared for beside your mother and sister, always wanting to be with the first boy you’ve ever missed beside your dad and your brother. He/She is your childhood sweetheart."
“I was there at your worst, defended you against the bullies, offered my umbrella during the storms yet you didn’t even remember my name during our class reunion but one thing you’ve remember… The poem I gave you with my heart in it.”
"We played together, we were teased together. At the church we will see each other again; I am the best man of your groom, my best friend."
"Nothing can be compared with the bond that childhood sweethearts share."
"Who could say that the love you felt for your childhood sweetheart is just a puppy love when you have done so much more for him/her that you cannot do for your partner today."
"Childhood sweetheart's affection is one of the purest forms of love as it is base on companionship rather than any worldly things."
"I envy child couples for they argue a lot but never sleep without talking and the next morning it's just one of those days when they make some words exchanges unlike adult couples who would rather sleep than talk about it and animosity may last until they part."
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