Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Common childhood diseases


Red, quite itchy, spots or blisters are scattered over the entire body and the child has a moderate fever.


Symptomatic treatment with calamine lotionto reduce itching. Antiviral medicine in severe cases.

Incubation period

Between 10 to 20 days from being exposed to the infection and showing symptoms.

Infectious period

Chickenpox is contagious from a few days before the disease breaks out and no more than six days after the first spots appear. The child should be excluded from school during this time.

Whooping cough


Whooping cough is characterised by long fits of coughing followed by wheezy breathing and possibly vomiting. Symptoms are typically worse at night.


Fresh air is important. Because of the risk of vomiting, the child should be given small meals more often, instead of a few large ones.

Incubation period

This begins from seven days after exposure to the condition.

Infectious period

The disease is especially contagious during the first week, while the child still has a trace of a cold. The infectiousness does, however, wear off in the following five to seven weeks. It is important to keep the child away from other children under the age of one year. Children should be excluded from school five days after commencing anibiotic treatment.

'Fifth' disease (erythema infectiosum)


The child has red specks on the cheeks, nose, arms, thighs and buttocks. These are often blurred which makes it look like the child has been slapped. For this reason, fifth disease is often known as 'slapped cheek' syndrome. It can last up to 14 days and rarely causes a fever. It is mostly seen in children between the ages of 4 and 12.


It cannot be treated, but disappears by itself. It is usually quite a mild illness.

Incubation period

Two weeks between being exposed to the infection and showing symptoms.

Infectious period

Once the rash appears, the disease is no longer infectious.


Pregnant women should avoid being in contact with children with fifth disease as it may cause a miscarriage. Pregnant women with a child who contracts fifth disease should contact their doctor. The incubation period is a couple of weeks.

Three-day-fever (roseola infantum)


A child with three-day-fever has a high fever for three days and a pink rash covers their body. It is mostly seen in children under the age of three years.


Undress the child to ensure they aren't too warm. Give the child fever reducing medication (such as paracetamol (eg Calpol)) to control their temperature and plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

Incubation period

Between 10 to 15 days from being exposed to the infection and showing symptoms.


It is contagious during the whole period of the disease and up to two to three days after. Avoid contact with other children under three years of age during the whole period.

Hand, foot and mouth disease


The child has a large number of small spots and blisters, particularly in the mouth and on the feet and hands. The disease can cause a slight fever for a few days.


As with most diseases causing a fever, it is important to make sure the child gets plenty to drink. If the ulcers in their mouth are severe it may help to mash up the child's food.

Incubation period

Two to three days between being exposed to the infection and showing symptoms.

Infectious period

The disease is contagious as long as blisters or spots are still present. The child is able to return once they are considered to be well enough to do so.

Scarlet fever


The child has a slight to moderate fever, a sore throat and a rash which is often located in their armpits or groin. The child's skin peels and they get a coarse, pink tongue – a condition known as strawberry tongue.


Antibiotics are usually given for this disease. It is important to keep the child at home and avoid contact with other children.

Incubation period

Three to eight days between being exposed to the infection and showing symptoms.


Scarlet fever is contagious for the first few days, but after three days of antibiotics the risk is almost gone. The disease remains contagious for between 10 days and 3 weeks if left untreated. Children should be excluded from school for five days after commencing anitbiotic treatment.