Thursday, August 25, 2011

Disease-Proof Your Child Feeding Kids Right

Cutting edge nutritional science for the family table:

In his private practice, Joel Fuhrman, M.D. has worked with many families to turn around their health and eating habits. He helps children with recurrent medical problems recover their health with nutritional interventions, avoiding the need for further drugs.

Dr. Fuhrman has the solution for your frequently ill child. Backed up by a multitude of scientific studies, he explains how eating particular foods and how avoiding others can have a significant impact on your child's resistance to dangerous infections, their intelligence and success in school. For example, a change in dietary habits can have a dramatic effect on reducing the occurrences of illness like ear infections, asthma and allergies. The right foods introduced early in life can increase your child's IQ.
Dr. Fuhrman presents the fascinating science which demonstrates that the current epidemic of adult cancers and other diseases are closely linked to what we eat. In the first quarter of our life, he explains that eating right in childhood is the most powerful weapon against the growing cancer epidemic. Also, he reveals how the seeds for future auto-immune diseases are sown in childhood, and how by eating right today, children can be healthy tomorrow.
His nutrient-rich dietary recommendations give parents the information they need to ensure that their children are eating right to maintain a healthy mind and body. Moreover, he gives parents guidelines on how to get even the pickiest eater to learn to love healthy food. Also, he features his child tested recipes that are delicious, easy-to-prepare and great for the whole family. They make healthy eating child-friendly.
Every parent needs this book so that they can make sure that they are doing everything they can for their children's health. Don't raise your children without it.
Check out the current buzz:
"Food choices, especially food choices early in life, are the primary cause of disease and premature death and are the take home message of this book. While the scientific community is just beginning to realize this great truth, Dr. Fuhrman has already taken the revelation and put it in the form of a tool kit. If you truly love your children and your grandchildren, or if you are simply a true American patriot concerned about the health of the nation, then read this book and put it into practice. It's light years ahead and is a magnificent source of salvation for our children."

Groesbeck P. Parham, M.D.

Professor of Gynecologic Oncology and Preventive Medicine Senior Scientist, Comprehensive Cancer Center University of Alabama at Birmingham

"Physician, father, and educator. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. has mastered all three of those roles and shares his nutritional and healing wisdom in this practical, readable book. The major fatal diseases that plague us - clogged arteries, obesity, diabetes, cancers, and others - begin in childhood, and Disease Proof Your Child will help you give your offspring the healthiest start possible. Thank you, Dr. Fuhrman, for sharing your experiences and teachings where it will do the most good - through 'disease-proofing' our children."

Michael Klaper, M.D.

Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research, Manhattan Beach , California

"Disease Proof Your Child is a timely response to America's health care crisis.  The time to effectively institute healthy nutrition is during childhood. Dr. Joel Fuhrman provides solutions for children, parents, and physicians."

Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D.

Preventive Cardiology - Cleveland Clinic Foundation

"Dr. Fuhrman's latest book couldn't have come at a better time given the epidemic of obesity, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, which is reaching earlier and earlier into the lives of our children. In “Disease Proof Your Child”, Dr. Fuhrman irrefutably documents that what we feed our children from infancy through adolescence, and how we respond to their childhood illnesses, will profoundly determine the kind of health and longevity they will enjoy for the rest of their lives. Dr. Fuhrman's book offers a ringing defense for the value of a plant-based diet and presents easy to apply strategies for changing the problematic dietary and lifestyle habits of children--and their parents. It is destined to take its place among the most important child-rearing books ever written…”

Mark A. Huberman, President

National Health Association

"Dr. Fuhrman provides information, easy to read and understand but science-backed, that will help every parent raise healthy children who will later become disease-proofed adults."

Neal Pinckney, Ph.D.

Founder and Director, Healing Heart Foundation

Author: Healthy Heart Handbook

"Disease-Proof Your Child, is an essential guide for every parent. Our children are faced with a nutritional crisis today, and this book is a blessing to parents seeking to give their children the gift of excellent health. The nutrition and health information, practical meal plans, recipes, and medical advice from one of our nation's leading preventive medicine physicians are invaluable."

John Westerdahl, PhD, MPH, RD

Nutrition Editor, Veggie Life Magazine

Director, Wellness & Lifestyle Medicine

Castle Medical Center , Kailua , Hawaii

"Great Book! Disease-Proof Your Child should be required reading for every parent. This book would have been invaluable in raising our children. Dr. Fuhrman should be every family's doctor."

Howard F. Lyman

Author, The Mad Cowboy, No More Bull!

"Dr. Fuhrman reveals the secrets to long-term, sustainable health using diet choices for growing up smart and growing old happy. Take your doctor a copy!"

Mehmet Oz, M.D.

Director, Cardiovascular Institute

Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center

"I only wish I could write such a tremendous book on this topic! I am genuinely impressed with the book. I enjoyed reading it and, more than that, I learned plenty in the process. This text has the potential of turning the tide on the epidemic of chronic disease afflicting children in the first world. If the health principles so convincingly and warmly presented in your text were to be adopted by our children and their families, the reduction in disease and suffering would exceed any "medical" advance one can conceive of."

John Kelly, MD, MPH,

President American College of Lifestyle Medicine Professor, Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health , Loma Linda University

"Dr. Fuhrman's book offers your family the solution to the epidemic of obesity and sickness that afflicts nearly every child eating the rich Western diet. Don't miss this opportunity."

John McDougall, MD

Director of the McDougall Live-in Program, Santa Rosa, CA

"Knowledge is power and Dr. Fuhrman's book, Disease Proof Your Child, is a powerful tool for insuring that the children you love will live healthy and happy lives. Read this book! Most importantly, put this invaluable advice of one of American's most outstanding physicians into practice."

Doug Lisle, Ph.D. and Alan Goldhamer D.C.

Authors of The Pleasure Trap

"Children don't need to be chronically sick--as children or adults. Dr. Fuhrman's book compels parents to rethink the way they raise their children, starting with what they eat."

James Craner M.D., MPH

Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine,

University of California , San Francisco School of Medicine