Thursday, August 25, 2011

Optimize Your Sexuality With Your 5 Senses

Using our senses to optimize our sexual relations? It is self-evident. Everyone does it all the time! Regardless, if I was to ask you to think back to the last encounter you has and to tell me what was the texture of your partners skin, his or her temperature, their smell, their taste? Could you truly answer with sincerity and assurance? Or would you respond with a boxed response sounding something like; "Ummm the same as always I guess...". Reality is that these are things that constantly change and are in perpetual flux; you should perceive these differences. Well in reality you could if you wanted to! Heightening ones sensibilities offers many advantages in love making; let's take a deeper look and learn more on how to become more receptive and aware.
The advantages 

To get things started, lets point out that our 5 senses have a direct impact on sexual desire. Contrary to excitement and orgasm that are triggered by involuntary reflexes, desire is intimately tied to our conscious and unconscious thoughts. It is truly tied to the mind! It is through the interpretation of our perceptions that certain things and people trigger desires.... And the door of these perceptions is none other than our senses! A largely opened door will naturally let in much more of these desirable messages. As well, giving this sensual stimulation to the brain will keep the desire awake and alert much stronger.

Another important advantage; staying "in the here and now"! What do I mean? Have you never been going at it intensely when all of a sudden your mind starts to thinking of that report that is due on Monday or the butter that needs to be added to the grocery list... or the children? Surely this has happened to each and every one at some point in time who deals with the normal day to day stresses and responsibilities of normal life! That is being "someplace else"...
Being "in the here and now" is being 100% in the moment with your partner and fully living an enjoyable moment together. Now in order to achieve this, the mind must be disposed to receive and interpret these senses. Occupied by other concerns and thoughts, the intensity of these senses will definitely be diluted by the preoccupied mind and this has an impact on pleasure. Additionally, your presence (or absence) in the sexual encounter will be perceived by your partner and will ultimately influence the feeling of intimacy.
How to? 

When in an intimate situation, pay special attention to the different stimuli in your environment while not giving priority to any particular senses. Pay attention to the odor of your partner; their perfume, the smell of their hair, of the fire burning, the smell of wine on their breath after a glass of wine but additionally to their natural odor that talks directly to your brain.

Take the time to look at your partner with new eyes as if it was someone you were seeing for the first time.
Listen attentively to the sounds your partner makes even the most subtle ones. Additionally, you can put on some music that really moves you and brings you happiness.
Naturally, taste your partner; their lips, their skin! Sometimes sweet, sometimes salty, sometimes even exotic and other times difficult to describe.
Finally, touch your partner! Now here's the tricky part don't touch your partner with an objective to give them pleasure but to feel pleasure yourself! Truly take the time to experience the joy of touching the entire body of your partner as if you were touching a precious piece of the finest silk!
Becoming fully aware of ones senses is clearly not an easy task for everyone and requires some work. Everyone is a bit different and staying "in the here and now" with someone is more difficult for certain individuals. If at first you do not succeed, do not despair... Try and try again and as a wise person once said practice makes perfect! I'm sure you agree that there are worse things in life to have to work at! In reality, if you have been living superficially as many individuals do today and have been cut off from your senses for some time it could take a little longer. The more you feel, the more you'll love and the easier it will become!