Saturday, August 27, 2011

Valtrex Side Effects

Valtrex side effects: Generic name valcyclovir. Valtrex is available in 500 mg and 1000 mg tablets and is indicated for use for various herpes infections including primary and recurrent genital herpes and recurrent oral herpes simples, as well as for herpes zoster (shingles). Higher doses are needed for infections with Herpes zoster than with Herpes simplex.
Common Valtrex Side Effects: Common Valtrex side effects include gastrointestinal symptoms of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and elevation of the liver transaminiases ALT and AST as well as elevation of alkaline phosphatase. Headache, dizziness, depression, and fatigue are commonly noted. In children hyperpyrexia (fever) and diarrhea are sometimes noted. Dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual periods) are noted in some women. Hematologic fairly common Valtrex side effects include decreased neutrophils and decreased platelets. Photosensitivity rashes are fairly common.
Serious Valtrex Side Effects: Serious Valtrex side effects are fortunately uncommon. These can include acute renal failure, the sometimes severe skin reaction erythema multiforme, various hematologic reactions that include thrombocytopenia and aplastic anemia, autoimmune reactions like thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic-uremic syndrome, and delirium, psychosis, encephalitis, aggressive behavior, seizures and anaphylaxis. For a complete list of potential side effects consult the manufacturer’s prescriber guidelines or your pharmacist. Sometimes if a person has Valtrex side effects they may be able to use acyclovir or another antiviral option without acyclovir side effects.
Cautions and Drug Interactions: As with all medications hypersensitivity to Valtrex or drugs in its class is a contraindication to its use. Valtrex can cause nephrotoxicity, and so caution is advised with renal dysfunction, with severe dehydration.or with concurrent use of other drugs with potential renal toxicity. Advanced HIV disease or other cause of immunocompromise is a caution to Valtrex use as is use in the elderly. Drug interactions are noted with many HIV drugs and cancer chemotherapy agents, and you should check the manufacturer’s prescribing guidelines for a complete list of potential drug interactions. Specifically of note are potential interactions with cimetidine, carboplatinin, and phenytoins.
Pregnancy and Lactation: Valtrex is pregnancy category B and is felt to be safe for breast feeding women. Valtrex is sometimes used in late pregnancy to prevent recurrent episodes of herpes simplex and to reduce the chances of transmission of the herpes virus from mother to neonate during vaginal childbirth. Often physicians will choose to deliver a baby by Cesarean section surgery if a mother is known to have an active herpes infection at the time of labor.
Unusual Valtrex Side Effects: A with other antiviral medications used for herpes simplex outbreak prevention some patients who take Valtrex daily for prophylaxis may experience a rebound flare of more frequent outbreaks when they stop taking the medication.