Possible symptoms of cancer
We have listed some of the more common symptoms of cancer on this page, and tried to tell you what to look out for. But there are over 200 different types of cancer and so it isn’t possible to list all the symptoms that could be caused by every type of cancer. A cancer can cause particular symptoms because of where it is in the body and if it is pressing on nearby areas.
If you have another symptom that we haven’t included and it hasn’t gone away after a few weeks, go to see your GP.
Worrying about symptoms and seeing your GP
It is perfectly normal to worry about your health. Noticing changes in your body, and how it works, is part of taking responsibility for yourself. But some people find they worry about bothering their doctor more than they do about their health. Do remember that your GP is there to help you. If you have a reason to worry, your GP will want to know. For one thing, they may be able to put your mind at rest. There is no point in worrying unnecessarily if there is a simple, treatable cause for your symptom.
If a symptom is caused by something serious, your GP will want you to tell them about it. The earlier a cancer is picked up, the easier it is to treat it and the more likely the treatment is to be successful. So it is important that you go to your GP as soon as possible if you notice worrying symptoms. If someone you care about needs to know how to spot cancer early, pass on a nudge through the Cancer Research UK ‘Do me a favour’ campaign - it could make all the difference.
Remember - many symptoms can just as easily be symptoms of other illnesses or conditions that are much more common, and often less serious, than cancer. Be aware of what is normal for your body and look out for any changes. If you have a symptom that worries you or that is unusual for you, go to your GP for a check up.
If you find a lump anywhere on your body that is not normal for you, go to your GP.
Most breast and testicular cancers are found either by the person with the cancer or their partner. It is important to know how your body feels and looks so you quickly notice any changes. Get into the habit of feeling your breasts or testicles. Notice how the skin looks and feels. Get familiar with the shape and any lumpiness that is normal for you. If you notice anything unusual, go to your GP. There is information about breast awareness and testicular awareness in the breast cancer and testicular cancer sections of CancerHelp UK.
Changes in a mole on your skin
You should see a GP if you notice any changes to a mole such as
- Bleeding
- Itching
- Getting bigger
- Changing in shape or colour
If you have a lot of moles, or moles in places that are difficult for you to see, ask a family member or friend to help you examine them. They will need to become familiar with where your moles are and what they look like.
You may be at higher risk of melanoma if you have a family history of melanoma and more than 50 to 100 moles. You can ask your GP to refer you to a skin specialist or clinic. Then you can be seen regularly to have your moles examined by a doctor or specially trained nurse. Any changes can then be picked up quickly.
A cough or hoarseness that won't go away
If you have a cough for more than 3 weeks, get it checked by your GP. It will probably just be inflammation or infection. But if it is cancer, the earlier you find out, the more likely you are to have a good outcome from treatment. If you cough up blood, see your GP as soon as possible.
There is more about the symptoms of lung cancer in the lung cancer section of CancerHelp UK.
A hoarse voice that lasts more than 3 weeks or keeps coming back could be a sign of cancer of the larynx (voice box). It may just be laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), but you should get it checked.
A change in bowel habits
It is important to know what is normal for you - for example, how often you usually have a bowel motion and whether it is loose or firm. See your GP if you have any of the following changes for more than four to six weeks
- Bleeding from the bottom for no obvious reason
- Tummy pain, especially if it is severe
- A lump in your tummy
- You have difficulty passing stools (bowel motions)
- You want to strain often
- You have looser or more frequent stools (bowel motions)
These symptoms are often caused by conditions other than cancer, but it is best to check.
See your GP as soon as possible if your stools are black, like tar. This can be a sign of bleeding into the bowel.
The NHS bowel cancer screening programme started being rolled out across the country in July 2006. It is now running in almost all parts of the UK. In England, Northern Ireland and Wales, men and women between 60 to 69 years old are asked to have a faecal occult blood test (FOB test) every two years. In Wales, they aim to extend the screening programme to include people aged between 50 and 74 by 2015. In Scotland men and women aged between 50 and 74 are screened. There is more information about the FOB test and the UK NHS Bowel Screening Programme in the screening for bowel cancer section of CancerHelp UK.
Difficulty in swallowing or persistent indigestion
As well as difficulty in swallowing, you may have a burning sensation when you swallow or may feel that food is sticking in your throat. This may be due to a harmless narrowing, called a stricture. But it could be a cancer blocking the food pipe (oesophagus). Either way, you should see your GP for a check up.
Indigestion is a very common problem and is not usually caused by cancer. It can be very painful, even when there isn’t anything serious wrong. But it can also be a sign of stomach cancer. Get a check up from your GP if
- You get indigestion a lot
- It is particularly painful
- It has come on suddenly.
Any abnormal bleeding
Unusual bleeding may not be caused by cancer, but it is a sign that something is wrong and should be checked. There is information below on
- Bleeding from the back passage (bottom)
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding
- Blood in your urine
- Vomiting blood
- Nosebleeds
Bleeding from the back passage (bottom)
If you have bleeding from the back passage, it is most likely to be due to piles (haemorrhoids), but it could be an early sign of a cancer.
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Vaginal bleeding between periods, after sex or at any time if you are past your menopause, could be a sign of cancer of the cervix or womb. There are many other more likely causes of bleeding, but it is best to see your GP to rule cancer out.
Blood in your urine
Blood in the urine could be a sign of infection. But it could be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer and so should be checked by your GP. If you have bright red blood in your urine, and you do not have an infection, your doctor should send you to a specialist in bladder diseases (a urologist). Be aware, though, that pink or red urine can be caused by colouring in medicines or foods, or coloured foods that you have eaten, such as beetroot or blackberries. If you can rule those out as a possible cause, then go to your GP.
Vomiting blood
If you vomit and notice blood tell your GP straight away. It is most likely to be from a bleeding stomach ulcer or from irritation to the stomach lining. But it could also be due to stomach cancer. Any of these need checking by a doctor.
Frequent nosebleeds are unlikely to be caused by cancer. But very rarely, this could be a sign ofleukaemia, although, if it was leukaemia, you would usually have other symptoms too.
A sore or ulcer that won’t heal
The skin is very good at repairing itself and injuries usually heal within a week or so. Infection is the most likely cause of any sore that isn’t healing. But a sore area or ulcer
- In the mouth
- On the genitals (penis or vulva)
- On the skin, particularly areas that have been exposed to a lot of sun
can also be a sign of cancer. If you have a sore or ulcer that hasn’t healed after a few weeks, wherever it is in the body, go to your GP to have it checked.
Difficulty passing urine
If you have difficulty passing urine, go to your GP. This is a common problem in men as they get older. The cause is usually the prostate enlarging and squashing the tube that the urine passes down. The enlargement may be a harmless (benign) growth of the prostate gland. But in some men, it is due to prostate cancer. If you have symptoms, your GP can do a blood test that may help to show whether there is anything to worry about. There is more information about this blood test called a PSA test in the prostate cancer section.
Remember - infections can also make it difficult to pass urine.
Unexplained weight loss
If you suddenly lose a lot of weight in a short time and are not dieting, get a check up from your GP. A lot of weight means roughly 5kg or 10lbs over a couple of months (but this also depends on your normal height and weight).
Unexplained pain
Pain can be an early sign of some cancers including bone cancers. But it can also be a symptom of less serious problems such as a pulled muscle. Muscle and joint pains usually gradually get better with time but can take several weeks to go completely. We all get aches and pains especially as we get older. It can be difficult to know whether a pain or ache is something serious or not. Get a check up from your GP if you have a pain or ache that you can’t explain, isn’t getting better and lasts for several weeks.
Feeling very tired all the time (fatigue)
We all get tired at times, but fatigue is extreme tiredness and a severe lack of energy. If your fatigue is due to cancer, you would normally also have other symptoms.
Skin changes
Skin cancers are not the only type of cancer that can affect the skin. Some cancers inside the body can also affect the skin. Depending on the type of cancer, the skin may
- Become yellow (jaundiced)
- Be itchy
- Get redder
- Feel and look different.
If you have any of these symptoms go to see your GP.
Unexplained night sweats
If you suddenly start having heavy, unexplained sweats in the night, see your GP for a check up. Night sweats can be a symptom of some cancers, for example lymphomas. But, it may well be due to something else. Many different conditions cause night sweats such as infections, diabetes and the menopause in women. Sweats can also be a side effect of some drugs.
Remember - in most cases, these symptoms will turn out to be something other than cancer. But they are all signs of illness and you won't be wasting your GP's time getting them checked out. And the sooner the better. It is better to go for a check up than keep worrying.