Although many people are not aware that they are Hiv positive, when symptoms of aids begin to surface, many people who were previously unaware that they had a physical problem start to seek treatment. One of the reasons frequent Aids testing is important for all sexually active people is that catching the initial infection of HIV will always yield better results than waiting for the problem to develop into full-blown aids. Although symptoms of aids are more telltale than symptoms of Hiv (for an hiv infection, there may be no symptoms at all) arresting the development of the disease may be possible, although complete reversal in the form of a cure still eludes Aids patients. Those who live with Hiv have special medications to help them prevent the development of the disease, but once the infection has turned into full-blown Aids, they will need to acquire medication to treat their symptoms of Aids.
Those who are Hiv positive need to know what symptoms of Aids to look out for. If they start to experience these symptoms, they should see a physician to check whether their infection has developed into Aids. Even those who think that they are not Hiv positive should be aware of symptoms of aids, because a large number of Hiv positive people are not aware of their condition. A so-called “cocktail” of drugs can be used to treat symptoms of Aids and to make the disease less uncomfortable, although a cure for the disease still not available.
Depression is one of the first symptoms of Aids, and of course, can be mistaken for the regular blahs or a temporary mood. However, depression is more profound than sadness and includes lethargy and a lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. Other hallmarks of depression are a disrupted sleep pattern and an unusual change in appetite (since Aids patients also experience nausea, they usually find that they do not want to eat) feelings of hopelessness or low self esteem and guilt. There may be also thoughts of suicide, and when these negative thoughts occur, an aids patient should seek help. Of course, the circumstances of having Aids are difficult to begin with and may add to the depression. It is essential that all aids patients have a dependable support system of family, friends and fellow aids patients who can listen to their concerns and give them advice on how to deal with symptoms of aids.
Other symptoms of aids include diarrhea, thrush or a bad taste in one's mouth and a white coating on the tongue or the gums, These problems occur because the body is no longer able to fight off minor infections and the patient is more vulnerable to microbes. Rapid weight loss and lipodystrophy are symptoms of aids that affect the proper distribution of body fats. One's arms may be bony while there may be buildups of fat on the stomach or behind the neck. This happens because the Hiv virus attacks the mitrochondria, or the cells which digest fats, and lipids are deposited in certain areas of the body. Sinus infections are also common symptoms of aids, along with fatigue, nausea and a painful burning sensation in the hands or the feet. There are medications that can be used to treat symptoms of aids and to make the experience less difficult.