Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Symptoms of an ulcer

Typically the ulcers tend to heal and recur. Symptoms of an ulcer depend on the location of ulcers and the patient's age. The children and the elderly symptoms are atypical or absent. In these cases the ulcers detected when complications develop.
Only about half of people with duodenal ulcers have typical symptoms of an ulcer: nocturnal and "hungry" pain in the upper abdomen (epigastrium), going after a meal. Pain usually occurs when the stomach is empty. Ulcer rarely makes itself felt on waking, but the pain gradually develops. Constant, mild or moderate pain is localized on a specific area, almost always just below the sternum. Milk, food or antacids sometimes reduce the pain, but it is usually renewed 2 or 3 hours later. The characteristic symptom is pain that wakes a person between one and two o'clock in the morning. Often the pain occurs once or several times per day for several weeks, then goes away without treatment. However, within 2 years and sometimes a few years later the pain recurs. Patients tend to indicate that relapses often occur in spring or autumn, and during periods of stress.
Symptoms of stomach ulcers are not similar to the symptoms of duodenal ulcer: the food can cause pain rather than reduce it. Gastric ulcers usually cause swelling of the tissues and disturbance of gastric emptying, which may be accompanied by abdominal distention, nausea or vomiting after eating.

Main symptom of an ulcer is a pain when you swallowing or falls.

More severe symptoms occur when there are complications of peptic ulcer such as bleeding or perforation (perforation).