The Diabetes, Weight Loss and Diet web site focuses on traditional and alternative ways of treating, preventing and managing diabetes, offering a glycemic index diet and information about the American Diabetes Association diet. Here is a true story of a man who was able to stop insulin shots with this special low glycemic diabetic diet and exercise. Check out our new diabetes and diet discussions.
You will find information on early signs symptoms of diabetes and treatments to help you manage them effectively as well as information on assessing yourdiabetes risk.
There is also a program we call the cure for diabetesthat allows you to take charge of your diabetes symptoms and your health. This program may allow you to avoid the use of medication. The 7 steps in the diabetes cure which include preventing and treating diabetes, diabetes nutritional supplements, diet,weight loss, plus exercise for diabetes. Following the suggestions in these articles can also help to prevent diabetes symptoms.
The information that we include here about alternatives to the traditional medical model for treating diabetic symptoms are backed by scientific evidence.
On this Web site you will find:
- Information on diabetes and the glycemic index
- General information about diabetes medication
- Things to avoid in managing diabetes symptoms
- Several different approaches to diet for treating and preventing diabetes and diabetic symptoms plus information about the sugar substitutesstevia and xylitol
- Diabetes and Exercise, weight loss and diabetes tips and ideas
PREVENTING DIABETES: There are actually lots of things you can do to prevent diabetes, which is a sometimes lethal disease. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the right diet and exercise can reduce or remove the need for diabetes medication. Remember, when changing anything about your diet or exercise, if you already have diabetes, be sure to talk with your doctor to get advice.
Diabetes Symptoms and the Diabetes Cure
This section of the site covers seven major areas that you, as a person with diabetic symptoms, can change and take control of including weight control, exercise and diet (possibly using the glycemic index). If you follow the suggestions on these pages, you will find your health improving along with your symptoms.