Thursday, August 25, 2011

3 Ways Her Sexual Body Language Signals She MAY Be Interested in Sex!

How difficult is it to tell if a woman is interested in sex? Does she have to tell you that she is, or is there a way to read her body language and figure it out on your own? What are the signs (or the "stances") that a woman will make that signal she likes you more than a friend? And are these things always right...or do they vary from woman to woman and situation to situation instead? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at the signs that a woman may be interested in sex (or increased intimacy) and the simple, subtle and sexy signs that suggest you may want to make your move! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!
Filed Under: Arched Back (and Breasts)
Most sociologists and sexual body language aficionado's will tell you that the way a woman stands, in conversation, is a sexy sign of what she's' thinking...even if she doesn't say a word. The arching of the back is a suggestive position no matter what, but many believe it's actually a subconscious invitation for greater intimacy. (and should be returned by you getting closer, matching her with masculine, movements by leaning in, often called mirroring)
Filed Under: Does she talk (and touch) with her hands?
A woman who touches her conversational target is definitely sending signs of sexual interest. After all, touching is probably the most direct, and least subtle sign that contact is okay, and encouraged. And yet of course, many men mistake the wrong sort of touching with the wrong type of sign! "invitational" touching as many body language experts will admit, is touching the arms, the thighs, and your hair during otherwise casual conversation. Some also believe that any overly animated hand gestures are suggestive of interest, especially if you are the only 2 in the conversation.
Filed Under: Body Language she CANT' control! (This is a definite give away)
Women who get flushed skin, for example...or a reddening of the face, often are excited, or sexually aroused! Dilating of the pupils is another sign she's excited. Light perspiration, and licking her lips nervously is another sexual signal. As a matter of fact, most of the signs that sex educators point out as pre orgasmic signals during sex, are also evident in a woman's daily body language when she is excited. (just not to the same degree, of course)