Thursday, August 25, 2011

When You Say, "Let's Have a Threesome" What Do You Mean Exactly?

I read a forum question about this recently and it was talking about the various ways people define what a threesome is in terms of who does what, where the pleasure is focused and the configurations both men and women prefer, and why. So I thought it might be worth sharing what I learned, what I think and allow you to explore the definition for yourself.
So the typical configurations when it comes to the average couple is MFM or FMF, and typically men love the idea of FMF's more than MFM's. I say "typically" but know there are plenty of men out there who are not your typical men (hats off to you guys). You can have MMM's and FFF's too, they just aren't as talked about. The types are still relevant to these but I just won't be focused on them
Now there are at least three ways threesomes work (no pun intended but it works so go with it): Unidirectional, bidirectional and multidirectional.
The issue that some men have when thinking about having another man naked in the room with them, is a fear/worry about the other man touching or playing with them in some way. If you're into that sort of thing then yes it could be, however, in a unidirectional scenario, it's more like having a team mate to help overload her senses; two-on-one, a kind of mission to see how orgasmic you can make her when you have extra hands, an extra tongue and another rock hard... to pleasure her with. Which can be really nice for the female in the centre (I can vouch for that).
So unidirectional is where the pleasure focus is in one direction. It's also done as an MFM where the female is pleasuring both the guys however and wherever possible, which is a very familiar scenario (often the favourite in porn for men), and the other variation on this one is in an FMF where the pleasure focus is on the man from both women. This specific scenario tends to rank number one on men's fantasy bucket list, and who can blame them, I like it when it's all about me too!
Bidirectional is where you have two out of the three parties pleasuring each other while the third watches or plays with themselves, and then often at some point one person is almost tapped out and the waiting person steps in. This is a good scenario when you have one person who is needs a break i.e. when you're into the hard-core penetration part of the night and the orgasm hasn't eventuated yet. It can be two guys who swap in and out so the female can orgasm, or the two girls swapping for a guy who mimics the Duracell/Energizer bunny and keeps going and going and... you get the point.
Multidirectional is literally an all in! I personally quite like this scenario and it's more likely if the two same sex participants are at least bi-curious or bisexual (although technically this could be bi-directional... but that would be confusing). This is where the play is shared, you have 2 hands and one is on each of the other participants and you have at least 2 different body parts playing with you. It can be a daisy chain where it's more of a circular pattern of play that changes direction (perhaps that's another type altogether... but let's not complicate things).
In reality what often happens is you all start with one type, move onto another and sometimes incorporate all 3 to some degree. There are no strict rules stating you must start and finish with the same type, although I can just see it now, the Police turning up on your doorstep with their fine book and giving you a ticket for straying from unidirectional to multidirectional... Ha!
So there you have it... just when you thought you were all talking about the same thing I've gone and blown the lid off it and muddied the waters with all my threesome techno-geek speak. Suffice it to say, now that you know, all you have to do is ask a few simple questions to decipher if the image you have in your head is the same as theirs when you get asked "would you like to have a threesome?"